LTC Excellent Test Results

LTC test results for TDS

LTC Excellent Test Results

TDS have just received the results of our latest test piece independently assessed by the Laundry Technology Centre (LTC).

We are very pleased with the LTC test results, which confirm the continuing high quality and consistency of our commercial laundry services.

Here are the LTC comments:

This set of results shows consistency.

The “Excellent” Whiteness Reflectance results have been repeated across both fabric types indicating that effective soil suspension is being maintained within the wash liquors, this minimising the potential for redeposition onto the textiles.

The Cotton Brightness result have remained “Excellent”.

The repeated >200 Cycles to Failure result shows that a commercial balance is being achieved and maintained between stain removal and maximising linen life and this is supported by effective rinsing, detergent and chemical neutralisation within a negligible iron presence.